Trivia, History and Glitches are technically optional but can be added if the Dragon presents Facts regarding other factors (like being able to eat Eels), updates of the Model and Animation, or glitches with the model respectively.If the Dragon has appeared in any Quest, add an "In Quest" Section with the corresponding Quest and if from an Expansion/Event, the corresponding Expansion/Event and describe the context of the Dragon's purpose in it.A Reference section is required as it's where all the sources' links will be placed On July 14th, 2020, althought unmentioned, the Razorwhip no longer. On 9th of May, 2016, the Razorwhip received a Titan Stage. A Razorwhip egg is awarded in the quest Shipwreck Lane in Call of the Death Song. They can be purchased for 500 gems (400 for members) from the store. If the Dragon was met with controversy, write an unbiased and sourcered description of the context of the controversy before, during and after it erupted. The Razorwhip is a Sharp Class dragon released on August 7th, 2015.If the Dragon has a Variant Sub-species, a Comparison between both Variants should be written and the Last DragonReal Madridrebel allianceRed Hot Chili PeppersRed RangerRed TitanRexRex the DinosaurReyRick and Mortyridley jonesRipslingerRobinRobin.The Description must include a sheet of their description from the How To Train Your Dragon wiki or if the Announcement Ad includes any, the description SoD gave to the Dragon upon release.The Sypnosis must include the Dragon Name, Class, Release Date, Store Price and, if it has a Titan Stage, add the Titan Release.Fill the Infobox with the respective information and Stats, if the Dragon is unavailable for training, add "N/A" to the Stats section.If the Dragon has a special Skin or/and a Titan, add the Titan/Skin picture also from the Announcement Ad to the Infobox by using a Gallery template in the Image section.The Infobox must be from an Announcement Ad, if there isn't any of said Dragon, a replacement will be done by the Admins.If the Dragon can be used in Dragon Tactics, add Combat Dragon.If the Dragon is trainable, add Trainable dragon, if not, add Non-Trainable Dragons.The categories that correspond to the two skills the Dragon has.If it has a Variant, add Dragons with Variant.Astrid may be one of Berk’s best Trainers, but Stormfly is undoubtedly one of our most intelligent Dragons together they make a powerful team that will stop at nothing to come out on top. An iconic pair second only to Hiccup and Toothless, Astrid and Stormfly show what years of rigorous training, bonding, and battling can achieve. If the Dragon is a original creation from SoD, add Original Dragons Stormfly is a Legendary,, Deadly Nadder.If the Dragon comes from the Books or TV Series, add Book Dragons or TV Series Dragons.If the Dragon comes from another game, add Dragons.

Add all required categories to article:.If the Dragon has Skins, add the Skins Section.Make sure to add the Infobox and the Tabbers template with the respective Sections (Main Page, Combat Stats, Color Guide and Gallery).